
What Would Billionaires Look Like Working Regular Jobs?

#1 Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg as a waiter. Net worth: $33.7 billion. These are not necessarily jobs they have done before. But it does go to show us that if it hadn’t been for their entrepreneurial spirit, the chances they took and the ideas they fought for we don’t know what kind of every day jobs Warren Buffet and the rest of the billionaire club could have found themselves in instead.

Mark Zuckerberg as a waiter

#2 Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey as a bus driver. Net worth: $2.9 billion.

#3 Bill Gates
Bill Gates as a mailman. Net worth: $84.5 billion.

#4 Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett as a police officer. Net worth: $66.9 billion.
Warren Buffett as a police officer

#5 Donald Trump

Donald Trump as a butcher. Net worth: $4.1 billion.
Donald Trump as a butcher

#6 Larry Page

Larry Page working at McDonald’s. Net worth: $31.7 billion.
Larry Page working at McDonald's

#7 Richard Branson

Richard Branson as a barbar. Net worth: $5 billion.
Richard Branson as a barbar

#8 Carlos Slim Helu

Carlos Slim Helu as a construction worker. Net worth: $80.6 billion.
Carlos Slim Helu as a construction worker

#9 Steve Ballmer

Steve Ballmer as a mechanic. Net worth: $20.8 billion.
Steve Ballmer as a mechanic

We will continue tomorrow!

