
Linda Ikeji's Blog is Recruiting..... and the Queen of Blog is back.....!

Okay, I'm finally going to be recruiting staff for LIB. I'm really proud that I did this alone brought myself to number one in Nigeria..really proud! With, of course, the help of loyal LIB readers. I am grateful to you guys. But now it's time to expand. 

Get reporters and photojournalists to work for LIB, so I can get more exclusive content. 

This experience has really jolted me. Lol. So if you're a reporter or even someone passionate about news reporting or you think you can source for news for LIB, then please send an email to 

Please don't send to me, I'm very bad at replying emails. lol. I get so many, it's hard to read everything. And some even go to junk and spam that I never get to see. OK, so contact us. Let's do this!

Also, let me officially apologize to everyone who has sent me a mail that I never replied. There are thousands of you I know and I'm truly sorry. When you blog alone, it's almost impossible to pay

attention to much else. So forgive me!

I'm so scattered that I don't even have a LIB Things will change a little sha.

Also Nigeria's Queen of blog is back. Recently her blog site was brought down by Google for some issues relating to un-authorised use of materials on her blogsite. This has been resolved and the her blogsite restored. We are happy to have our Queen of Blog back online. Welcome back Ma'am!

World's Eight Most Beautiful First Ladies.........

1) Queen Rania of Jordan

The stereotypical queen is a beautiful, elegant woman and Queen Rania of Jordan is no exception. Married to the King of Jordan, Abdullah II, Queen Rania has been recognized by Forbes twice as being among the 100 most influential people in the world. In addition to the influence she holds over other, Queen Rania is both intelligent and beautiful; a hard combination to come by these days. There is no doubt that her intelligence is part of what makes her so influential in this world. While her outlook on life is modern, she is rooted in traditional ways of living and cares deeply for other people. As a well -known philanthropist she has made strides in improving education for children in Jordan. She has also been a passionate crusader in the quest to empower the women of her region.

Before she became a queen she worked as a professional in the technology industry. Since she became the Queen of Jordan she has adopted an approach to her clothing choices that allows her to dress in modern styles and still remain dressed modestly. Even her hair is styled in a way that looks modern but is still appropriate for a queen.

2) Asma al-Assad

As the first lady of Syria, Asma al-Assad is married to President Bashar Al-Assad and is truly a beautiful sight to behold. Not one to pile on the makeup, Asma al-Assad has a natural beauty. The British-Syrian’s signature style involves her platform Louboutin shoes and her hair kept wavy. Though she is a gentle person she can also be firm when necessary, a quality that is very valuable in a lady as refined as herself. This soft side of her personality is one of the reasons she is self-assured and possesses a classic level of beauty that not every woman can pull off. Her self-assuredness is part of what makes her such a powerful decision maker within her country.

3) Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco

Morocco’s current King, Mohammad the VI, is married to Princess Lalla Salma. The princess’s distinctive red hair contributes to her gorgeous looks. She is also an intellectual woman who has received an excellent education; holding a degree in engineering. She made history for the distinct honor of being named royalty due to her marriage to Mohammad the VI. The first wife of a Moroccan ruler to have ever been given that title publicly. Not only does she play an important part in the ruling of Morocco, she has also founded an association working to prevent cancer.
As a fan of Modern Western style clothing she is also on the cutting edge of fashion with the Kaftans she wears, which are always colorful. She is known for wearing this particular style of clothing when she meets other world’s First Ladies.

4) Mehriban Aliyeva

At 50 years old Mehriban Aliyeva, Azerbaijan’s First Lady, still looks as fabulous as she ever has. Married to Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyeva, she has three children and two grandchildren. When it comes to her fashion sense she is right up there with Michelle Obama, Jacqueline Kennedy and Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned. She is widely admired, not only for her beauty but also for her accomplishments and even her wit. After marrying President Aliyeva she went on to complete a degree at the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy.
Ranked as one of the world’s most fashionable First Ladies, she is a Goodwill Ambassador for UNESCO as well as a licensed doctor. She also served as the President of the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation. Her classic style includes Chanel purses, tailored outfits and high heeled shoes. She is also fond of the classic beehive hair style.

5) Queen Jetsun Pema of Bhutan

In 2011 Queen Jetsun Pema of Bhutan got her title when she married King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, an Oxford-educated. A commoner, Queen Pema is a daughter of pilot and is known by her preference for Bhutanese dresses in a traditional style. As a well- rounded woman she enjoys hobbies such as basketball and fine arts, and is especially interested in painting. Her love for basketball led to her acting as her high school basketball team’s captain. Since graduating, her interest in basketball has never wavered. She is fluent in three languages; English, Hindi and Dzongkha, which is Bhutan’s national language.
Jetsun Pema

6) Michelle Obama

U.S. President Barack Obama’s wife Michelle is also among the world’s most beautiful first ladies. She has been making headlines for her beauty since her husband became the Commander – In – Chief of the United States. Her beauty combined with her strong yet caring personality explains her self-assuredness. Mrs. Obama has also been recognized as one of the world’s 100 most beautiful people. Popular opinion is that of all the first ladies of the U.S. Mrs. Obama comes in second only to Jacqueline Kennedy when it comes to beauty.
Michelle Obama is known for fashions such as the sleeveless gowns that show off her smooth and toned arms. She has also received a lot of attention for the silk coat by Thom Browne that she wore to mark the second inauguration of President Obama. As someone who frequently appears in public wearing clothes designed in the U.S, Michelle Obama has made quite a splash on the world that other first ladies haven’t. Unlike the majority of first ladies, Michelle Obama often chooses clothes that the average American can afford. This is one of the reasons so many people like her more than any other first lady in the past. The average woman in America admires Michelle Obama’s style.

7) Sylvia Bongo Ondimba

As Gabon’s First Lady, Sylvia Bongo Ondimba is considered to be the most beautiful First Lady in all of Africa. A title she took from Cameroon First Lady, Chantal Biya. In addition to being known for her beauty, Ondimba belongs to the haute couture club and is a big fan of fashion designer Valentino. She is also known for her love of Chanel couture. She is often seen in perfectly tailored frocks. As a children and women’s advocate she is very vocal about her passions.

8) Angelica Rivera

Mexico’s current First Lady, Angelica Rivera was previously a star on the Spanish network Telenovela. By the time she took up residence in Mexico’s White House she was prepared to be in the public eye as the wife of President Enrique Pena Nieto. Two years after their 2010 wedding he was elected as Mexico’s President. Now that she has become a political figure Angelica Rivera traded her curly hair style in for a more sophisticated style. Her wardrobe went from revealing to chic, featuring sheath dresses and modest suits. Even her wedding gown was a modest style; it included a full train and a high collar.

culled from

What Would Billionaires Look Like Working Regular Jobs?

#1 Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg as a waiter. Net worth: $33.7 billion. These are not necessarily jobs they have done before. But it does go to show us that if it hadn’t been for their entrepreneurial spirit, the chances they took and the ideas they fought for we don’t know what kind of every day jobs Warren Buffet and the rest of the billionaire club could have found themselves in instead.

Mark Zuckerberg as a waiter

#2 Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey as a bus driver. Net worth: $2.9 billion.

#3 Bill Gates
Bill Gates as a mailman. Net worth: $84.5 billion.

#4 Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett as a police officer. Net worth: $66.9 billion.
Warren Buffett as a police officer

#5 Donald Trump

Donald Trump as a butcher. Net worth: $4.1 billion.
Donald Trump as a butcher

#6 Larry Page

Larry Page working at McDonald’s. Net worth: $31.7 billion.
Larry Page working at McDonald's

#7 Richard Branson

Richard Branson as a barbar. Net worth: $5 billion.
Richard Branson as a barbar

#8 Carlos Slim Helu

Carlos Slim Helu as a construction worker. Net worth: $80.6 billion.
Carlos Slim Helu as a construction worker

#9 Steve Ballmer

Steve Ballmer as a mechanic. Net worth: $20.8 billion.
Steve Ballmer as a mechanic

We will continue tomorrow!

New National Carrier Expected: FG Invests $2 Billion On Aviation Expansion

The Federal Government of Nigeria is in talks with private investors to set up a national airline as it revamps airport infrastructure and expands air capacity, Aviation Minister Osita Chidoka said.

Nigeria will spend about $2 billion within the next four years to rebuild old airport terminals and construct new ones as demand for air travel in the country swells, Chidoka said in an interview with Bloomberg TV Africa in New York that will be aired Oct. 3. The government wants to start a national carrier within the same period to tap from the growth.

“Conversations are on across many possible private sector organizations, both local airlines in Nigeria and then some international airlines,” Chidoka said. “It will be commercially run.”

Nigeria, Africa’s biggest economy and most populous country with about 170 million people, signed a $500 million loan agreement last year with the Export-Import Bank of China to fund new terminals in four cities including the capital Abuja, the commercial hub of Lagos, the southern oil center of Port Harcourt and the northern city of Kano. The contract was won by China Civil Engineering Construction Corp.

“We are totally changing the face of four key airports,” said Chidoka. Nigeria is also studying “the possibility of attracting private capital to do that.”

The government is building 13 cargo airports across the country for the export of perishable agricultural produce such as pineapples, mangoes and tomatoes.

About $1 billion have been provided by the government for the current projects, with another $1 billion expected to be spent within the planned project duration of four years, according to Chidoka.

Largest Carrier

Nigeria liquidated its former national airline, Nigeria Airways, in 2003 and replaced it with Virgin Nigeria, a joint venture in which Richard Branson’s Virgin Atlantic originally held 49 percent. The airline changed its name to Air Nigeria in 2010 after Branson pulled out and it ceased flying two years ago.

Lagos-based Arik Air Ltd., a closely held company, is the West African nation’s largest carrier with 26 aircraft in its fleet, according to its website. Competitors include Aero Contractors Ltd., Dana Air, Med-View Airline Ltd. and Overland Airways Ltd.

The number of air passengers traveling both domestically and internationally in Nigeria surged to 3.75 million last year from 520,263 in 2003, according to World Bank data.

“Privatization of some operations of the airports may be on the cards,” said Chidoka. “It will most likely be airport management, things like that, collecting of revenues, managing lounges. We have to build infrastructure that matches our aspiration.”

Lagos may prosecute TB Joshua

The Lagos State Government has set up a coroner of inquest for the purpose of investigating the cause of the September 12 Synagogue Church of All Nation’s building collapse.

This was made known in a statement credited to the Lagos State Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Ade Ipaye, on Sunday. According to the statement, Ipaye had instigated the coroner’s inquest pursuant to Section 15 of the Lagos State Coroner’s System Law No. 7 of 2007. The coroner of inquest, headed by Magistrate O. A. Komolafe, has been charged with the duty of establishing the cause of the collapse of Synagogue’s six-storey building that killed no fewer than 115 persons. Ipaye, who spelt out the responsibility of the coroner, said its final submission might necessitate the institution of a criminal charge against the church.

The commissioner was quoted to have said, “The law requires the verdict of a coroner, as certified in writing, to be forwarded to the State Attorney General and such verdict may form the basis of criminal prosecution depending on the evidence collected. “The coroner in this case is Magistrate O. A. Komolafe, who also sat as coroner in the Dana Air Crash case. He is expected to announce his sitting or visitation schedules and other details and to hold the inquest at the premises of the High Court of Lagos State, Oba Akinjobi Way, Ikeja. “In doing this, he (Komolafe) has all the powers of a magistrate to summon and compel the attendance of witnesses, including medical examiners, and require them to give evidence, produce documents or present other relevant materials.”

Read more at:

Ebola: Nigerians suffer stigmatisation abroad

Abigail Afolabi, 25, returned to Nigeria after concluding her first degree at the Harbin Medical University, China. She returned home to celebrate her graduation as a medical doctor. Her family in Kaduna State was throwing a party to celebrate her successful feat, and she decided to spend two weeks in Nigeria.
While the celebration was on, she received an e-mail from her school informing her of a scholarship offer to proceed for her master’s degree.
She accepted the offer.
The school then advised her to return to China as soon as possible.
Although Abigail never fell ill nor had contact with any of the hundreds of persons screened and in relevant cased treated for Ebola in Nigeria, she was made to suffer what she called ‘humiliation’ by Chinese authorities.
Although Abigail had been screened at the Nigerian airport for Ebola before her departure, on arrival at the Beijing airport in China, a list of passengers coming from countries affected by the Ebola outbreak was called.
More than 3000 persons have died from the virus in West Africa, mainly from Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra-Leone. Dozens of Nigerians were later infected with the virus when Patrick Sawyer, a Liberian-American, brought the virus to the country. Mr. Sawyer and six other Nigerians have died from the Ebola in Nigeria.
At the Beijing airport, Abigael’s ‘special’ group were told alight from the aircraft before other passengers and were taken for medical examination.
“When I arrived in China, the list of passengers coming from countries affected by Ebola was called by the medical officers in Beijing, China,” she said. “We were asked to come out of the plane before other passengers. We were taken to a room for examination. Body temperature was checked and few questions were asked, for example, do you have headache? Are you vomiting?”
But that was not to be all. From there, she was isolated in a room where she was made to stay for 21 days – the incubation period of the virus.
Ms. Afolabi was released on September 12 and has commenced her Masters programme. Her case is, however, just one of the many forms Nigerians suffer discrimination as a result of Ebola.
Nigeria’s contingent to Keeping Children Safe in Africa Conference, which held in Cape Town from September 3 to 5, were denied visa by the South African embassy due to Ebola.
One of the key participants from Nigeria, Oge Chukwudozie of Save the Children Nigeria, who was to present a paper was among those denied entry. Someone else, a non-Nigerian, had to present her paper for her.
When contacted on the efforts by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to ensure there is a stop to the discrimination Nigerians suffer, its spokesperson, Ogbole Amedu-Ode, said he was on leave and could not make any comment.
Some government officials have, however, expressed concern with the apparent stigmatisation Nigerians go through due to the Ebola virus.
One of such is Abike Dabiri-Erewa, the chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Diaspora Affairs.
Mrs. Dabiri-Erewa on September 6 noted that the stigmatization must be addressed before it gets worse, and as a lawmaker she would work with relevant government agencies to do the needful. She explained that in many instances, there were hardly any medical checks to ascertain the health conditions of such Nigerians.
The lawmaker cited another example of Adeseye Adeyemi, a Nigerian who decided to wed his Sri Lankan heartthrob in Sri Lanka; and wanted his Nigerian-based family to attend the reception.
Mrs. Dabiri-Erewa said the Adeyemi’s “were terribly treated by Sri Lankan authorities.”
She said all family members were quarantined in the Sri-Lankan airport lobby for about 18 hours with no access to food, water, or toilet facilities. The family was subsequently deported with no medical check after the prolonged wait.

Nigeria receives UN commendation for containing Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)

The Secretary-General met today with H.E. Mr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).
The Secretary General commended Nigeria for its efforts to contain the spread of Ebola in the country. They discussed the security situation in the north-east of Nigeria and its impact on the sub-region.

The Secretary General enquired about the fate of the schoolgirls abducted from Chibok in April 2014 and reiterated his condemnation of the terrorist attacks perpetrated by Boko Haram.
The two leaders discussed preparations for the general elections scheduled to take place in Nigeria in 2015.

Blackberry might rise again....!

(Reuters) - BlackBerry Ltd reported a smaller quarterly loss on Friday in an early sign that its drawn-out turnaround efforts might be working.
The Waterloo, Ontario-based company reported a net loss of $207 million, or 39 cents per share, for the second quarter ended Aug. 30. That compared with a year-earlier loss of $965 million, or $1.84 per share.

Chibok Girl Can't Identify Self.....!

Nigerian's Islamic extremists have freed one of the kidnapped Chibok schoolgirls, Nigerian police reported Thursday, but a community leader says she's too traumatized to identify herself properly.

Hundreds of girls, women and boys have been kidnapped by Boko Haram fighters in the past year but the abduction of more than 270 schoolgirls and young women from a school in the remote northeastern town of Chibok in April inspired a worldwide campaign for their freedom.

More than 50 girls escaped by themselves at the scene or soon after and now 219 remain missing. The failure by the Nigerian government and military to rescue them has brought international condemnation.

Police spokesman Emmanuel Ojukwu told reporters that on Wednesday "a girl, 20 years of age, among the abducted Chibok girls was dropped off by suspected Boko Haram militants at Mubi," a town in northeast Adamawa state.

"The information we have is that she is one of the abducted girls," he said.

But Chibok community leader Pogu Bitrus said he spoke to the young woman by phone and that the name she gave is not on the list of missing girls. "She is mentally traumatized, not coherent at all," he said.

He has asked security forces to send him a photograph so that parents may look at it and her image can be compared with a database of photographs of the missing students.

Bitrus also worried that "it could be a trick by Boko Haram to release another girl just to create a diversion."

The news comes two days after a false report that the military had custody of several of the girls kidnapped from Chibok. That was caused by confusion in reports after soldiers found some of the girls who had escaped early on, on a bus on the way to a school in the north.

EgyptAir to pay compensation for maltreating young Nigerian

ABUJA—The management of Egypt Air, which was accused of maltreatment and wrongful deportation of a Nigerian medical student, Joshua Kunle Abdul-Azeez, studying in Ukraine and tearing his Nigerian international passport has admitted making a mistake and offered to compensate the student.

This followed an intervention by the House of Representatives Committee on Diaspora.
Having received a complaint filed against Egypt Air, the committee, led by Hon. Abike Dabiri-Erewa yesterday met with representatives of the Airline on circumstances surrounding the alleged negligence, harassment and deportation of the complainant back to Nigeria aboard EgyptAir.

It will be recalled that Saturday Vanguard had exclusively reported how Mr Abdulazeez was detained two Saturdays ago, starved for four days and his passport torn to shreds.

According to Mrs. Abike Dabiri-Erewa (APC, Lagos), “the error of not ascertaining the final destination of the complainant from his ticket was that of Egypt Air.’’  ‘’If you are going to London for instance, your final destination must be known before your visa is approved or before air ticket would be accepted by airline operators,’’ she said. She added that ‘’ours is that, once a Nigerian is ill-treated anywhere in the world, we must make sure that justice is done’’.

Putting the issues in perspective, legal representative of Egypt Air, Robert Clarke (SAN), told the Committee that though the incident of maltreatment and harassment as reported did not occur while the complainant was still in the physical custody of Egypt Air, the issue of negligence arising from wrong routing of his destination in the ticket was a mistake his clients cannot deny.

He said, ‘’although, my clients made a mistake when his ticket was being routed which had to do with the exchange between Egypt Air and a Turkish airline, however, the boy partly caused the problem for himself when he entered a Turkish airline that was not going to Kiev. He tried to board a plane that was going to Moldova, that was when it was discovered that he did not have a visa to that destination’’. ‘’The truth is that, we made a mistake on his ticket; that much we are ready to admit and make compensation as appropriate. We wronged the boy. We were negligent and he has suffered tremendous damage for which we are ready to own up and address accordingly. I feel for the young man for having suffered on the account of our mistake of not routing his ticket to his final destination, which was Kiev’’, he said.

He also hinted that the matter has assumed a legal dimension following a notice of service by some lawyers on behalf of the boy, claiming damages in huge sum of money.
‘’Two weeks ago, some lawyers wrote to the airline claiming a huge sum of money in damages, so as we speak now, the matter has gone beyond the realm of this Committee to a Federal High Court according to the letter we got’’, he explained.

Joshua Abdul-Azeez, 17 was on his way to Kiev, the Ukrainian capital when his passport was seized and torn by Immigration officials at the Istanbul Airport in Turkey for not possessing a visa to his preferred destination, Moldova.

However, in his petition to the House Committee on Diaspora, he alleged that his ordeal was caused by the lack of professionalism on the part of Egypt Air which handled his travel arrangements from Nigeria.

The Committee however urged the Airline to reach an amicable settlement with the young man and take necessary measures to avoid future occurrences.

YouWin Grant Winners List finally out!

Dividend of democracy...... YouWin (Youth Enterprise with Innovation in Nigeria) is a collaboration of the Ministry of Finance, Communication Technology, Youth Development & Women and Social Development that provides grant-funding to young aspiring entrepreneurs to establish business and expand existing businesses.......more

Results of the 2013-2014 round has just been released.See prototype email sent to provisional winners.


Following a rigorous evaluation process, your business plan has been selected as a provisional winner in the 3rd Edition of the YouWiN! Business Plan Competition. As a provisional award winner, you will receive a grant following the verification of your eligibility.

The award amount will be determined based on the assessed needs of your business plan. As part of the verification you will:
 1) Undergo a validation exercise: The YouWiN Secretariat will contact you in October with details of your validation exercise.
 2) Sign a Legal Agreement: You will be required to sign a Legal Agreement with the Federal Ministry of Finance that specifies your award amount and the terms and conditions of disbursement. 

As part of the requirements for you to access the grant, you must show prove of sole ownership or hold majority share in your business (At least 51%) and be a sole signatory to the YouWiN! account. 

In addition to the above, please monitor your registered email account and visit the YouWiN! website frequently for more information regarding the programme.

The YouWiN! Secretariat will contact you through your registered email with further instructions. Please accept our congratulations.
(Reuters) - Israel shot down a Syrian warplane on Tuesday, saying the aircraft crossed the battle lines of Syria's civil war and flew over the Israeli-held Golan Heights, perhaps by accident.

The incident coincided with but did not appear to be directly related to air strikes the United States and Gulf Arab allies mounted on Islamic State strongholds in Syria. But it presented another challenge to Israel's oft-stated desire to stay on the sidelines of a conflict on its northern doorstep, in which al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front rebels took over a border crossing on the Golan last month.

The Israeli military said its U.S.-made Patriot missile air defence system shot down a Syrian Russian-built Sukhoi fighter plane that had "infiltrated Israeli airspace" over the territory, captured by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war.

It was the first time in three decades that Israel had downed a Syrian warplane. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which tracks violence in the civil war, said the warplane had been bombing areas outside Quneitra, a Syrian town near the Israeli-held side of the frontier, at the time it was shot down. It said the pilot had bailed out. Syria described the downing of the aircraft as an act of aggression.

Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon, commenting on the incident, said Israel "will not allow any element - neither a state nor a terrorist group - to threaten our security and violate our sovereignty". Israeli military sources said the plane apparently crossed by accident into Israeli-controlled airspace. In his statement, Yaalon also seemed to raise that possibility, saying Israel would respond strongly to perceived threats "whether they stemmed from a mistake or were deliberate". Israel has fired into Syrian territory on numerous occasions in response to shelling on the Golan that the military has said was largely spillover from fighting between rebels and the Syrian Army.

An Israeli Patriot missile destroyed a Syrian drone over the Golan on Aug. 31. Israel last downed a manned Syrian aircraft in 1985, when Israeli fighters on a surveillance mission over Lebanon destroyed two Syrian MiG-23s that approached them.

